Linggo, Agosto 10, 2014

What Drives Your Life? Part 1

Everyone has their own drives in life. This drives become the path of direction in order for live our own life. It might control us of being what kind of individual we are. Drives of one person is different to others that's why we shouldn't need to compare our drives to other because at the first place we are unique and we have different experiences and identity. Some are driven with FEAR, ANGER. GUILT, APPROVAL and MATERIALISM. All of the said driving force is the outcomes of our experiences in the past. Those experiences might be the dark side of our journey that it is really hard to forget especially when we allow our-self to live in the past. We are still trying to move on and forget about things that make us feel sad. We can't let go beyond on this because it was deeply planted to our mind and heart.

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